Prominent name in the industry, Rajpal Yadav who was last seen in Baby John recently sat down with Bollywood Bubble for a chit-chat. The actor shared about his intake from the industry and his perception on a lot of topics. He also spoke about facing depression and rejection.
Rajpal Yadav on facing rejections
While speaking about facing rejections in the industry, Rajpal Yadav had an inspiring answer to give. The actor said, “I was not so much afraid of rejection as I was caught up in trying to be perfect. But the battle within me was of a completely different level—it was about acceptance. Whether it was in the classroom or anywhere else, like in cricket, the best example is that if you want to become Tendulkar, then you have to face bowlers like McGrath, Allan Donald, and Wasim Akram, from all over the world.”
Speaking further he said, “I knew that in the field I had entered, whether it was theatre, an institute, or the 70mm screen—you have to accept that you are in a field where champions are all around you. If you consider them inferior, you’re living in delusion. But if you recognise them as champions, you will need to elevate yourself to their level. Only a champion can truly understand another champion.”
Continuing to talk about how he perceives himself Rajpal Yadav stated, “If the people around you seem like average actors, then it probably means you’re not yet capable of recognising great actors. Only a great actor can identify another great actor. That’s the feeling you must carry with you always—every day is a new beginning. Believe me, as we often say, ‘Every day is a new day’.”